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As part of the European INVEST program in which the University of Thessaly also participates, a Summer School will be held in June 2021 with the participation of all the Universities involved [Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Bulgaria ), University of Thessaly (Greece), Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands))].
The subject of the Summer School, which will last from June 7-14, 2021, is “Empowering regional development and innovations – Building resilience in rural communities” and is aimed at undergraduate students who are at least in their second year of study , but also to postgraduate and doctoral students, with a prerequisite for participation being sufficient knowledge of the English language and the appetite for acquiring new knowledge and experiences. Please note that all Summer School activities will take place online and there are no participation fees.
Information can be found in the relevant brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17_1YOrd7lZxxJEKN45Jk5Tt0VM8eelfw/view?usp=sharing and for any queries - clarifications can be addressed to the scientific manager of the program Professor Nikolaos Samaras - email: nsamaras@uth.gr